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Argonne Leadership Computing Facility

Known Issues

This is a collection of known issues that have been encountered on Polaris. Documentation will be updated as issues are resolved. Users are encouraged to email [email protected] to report issues.

Compiling & Running Applications

  1. Since the Slingshot 11 and related software upgrade, users may encounter the following issue when running an application.
/opt/cray/pe/gcc-libs/ version `GLIBCXX_3.4.29' not found (required by a.out)

At this time, it is suggested to update the LD_PRELOAD environment variable as follows.

export LD_PRELOAD=/opt/cray/pe/gcc/11.2.0/snos/lib64/
  1. If your job fails to start with an RPC launch message like below, please forward the complete messages to [email protected].
launch failed on x3104c0s1b0n0: Couldn't forward RPC launch(ab751d77-e80a-4c54-b1c2-4e881f7e8c90) to child Resource temporarily unavailable
  1. With PrgEnv-nvhpc/8.3.3, if you are using nvcc to indirectly invoke nvc++ and compiling C++17 code (as, for example, in building Kokkos via nvcc_wrapper), you will get compilation errors with C++17 constructs. See our documentation on NVIDIA Compilers for a workaround.

  2. PrgEnv-nvhpc/8.3.3 currently loads the nvhpc/21.9 module, which erroneously has the following lines:


In particular, the final line can cause issues for C-based projects (e.g. CMake may complain because the cpp C preprocessor is not a compiler). We recommend running the following in such cases:

unset CC
unset F77
unset CXX
unset FC
unset F90
  1. Cray MPICH may exhibit issues when MPI ranks call fork() and are distributed across multiple nodes. The process may hang or throw a segmentation fault.

    In particular, this can manifest in hangs with PyTorch+Horovod with a DataLoader with multithreaded workers and distributed data parallel training on multiple nodes. We have built a module conda/2022-09-08-hvd-nccl which includes a Horovod built without support for MPI. It uses NCCL for GPU-GPU communication and Gloo for coordination across nodes.

    export IBV_FORK_SAFE=1 may be a workaround for some manifestations of this bug; however it will incur memory registration overheads. It does not fix the hanging experienced with multithreaded dataloading in PyTorch+Horovod across multiple nodes with conda/2022-09-08, however (instead prompting a segfault).

    This incompatibility also may affect Parsl; see details in the Special notes for Polaris section of the Parsl page.

Profiling Applications

  1. The nsys profiler packaged with nvhpc/21.9 in some cases appears to be presenting broken timelines with start times not lined up. The issue does not appear to be present when nsys from cudatoolkit-standalone/11.2.2 is used. We expect this to no longer be an issue once nvhpc/22.5 is made available as the default version.

Submitting Jobs

  1. For batch job submissions, if the parameters within your submission script do not meet the parameters of any of the execution queues (small, ..., backfill-large) you might not receive the "Job submission" error on the command line at all, and the job will never appear in history qstat -xu <username> (current bug in PBS). E.g. if a user submits a script to the prod routing queue requesting 10 nodes for 24 hours, exceeding "Time Max" of 6 hrs of the small execution queue (which handles jobs with 10-24 nodes), then it may behave as if the job was never submitted.

  2. Job scripts are copied to temporary locations after qsub and any changes to the original script while the job is queued will not be reflected in the copied script. Furthermore, qalter requires -A <allocation name> when changing job properties. Currently, there is a request for a qalter-like command to trigger a re-copy of the original script to the temporary location.