PyTorch on Aurora
PyTorch is a popular, open source deep learning framework developed and released by Facebook. The PyTorch home page, has more information about PyTorch, which you can refer to. For troubleshooting on Aurora, please contact [email protected].
Installation on Aurora
PyTorch is already installed on Aurora with GPU support and available through the frameworks module. To use it from a compute node, please load the following modules:
Then you canimport
PyTorch as usual, the following is an output from the
A simple but useful check could be to use PyTorch to get device information on
a compute node. You can do this the following way:
import torch
import intel_extension_for_pytorch as ipex
print(f"GPU availability: {torch.xpu.is_available()}")
print(f'Number of tiles = {torch.xpu.device_count()}')
current_tile = torch.xpu.current_device()
print(f'Current tile = {current_tile}')
print(f'Curent device ID = {torch.xpu.device(current_tile)}')
print(f'Device name = {torch.xpu.get_device_name(current_tile)}')
# output of the above code block
GPU availability: True
Number of tiles = 12
Current tile = 0
Curent device ID = <intel_extension_for_pytorch.xpu.device object at 0x1540a9f25790>
Device name = Intel(R) Data Center GPU Max 1550
module, you need to import the
module. The default mode in ipex
for counting
the available devices on a compute node treat each tile as a device, hence the
code block above is expected to output 12
. If you want to get the number of
"cards" as an output, you may declare the following environment variable:
With this environmental variable, we expect the output to be 6
-- the number
of GPUs available on an Aurora compute node. All the API
calls involving
, should be replaced with torch.xpu
, as shown in the above
Important: It is highly recommended to import intel_extension_for_pytorch
right after import torch
, prior to importing other packages, (from
Intel's getting started doc).
Intel extension for PyTorch has been made publicly available as an open-source project at Github
Please consult the following resources for additional details and useful tutorials.
PyTorch Best Practices on Aurora
Single Device Performance
To expose one particular device out of the 6 available on a compute node, this environmental variable should be set
export ZE_AFFINITY_MASK=0.0,0.1
# The values taken by this variable follows the syntax `Device.Sub-device`
and Sub-devices: 0, 1
, i.e. the two tiles of the GPU:0. This is
particularly important in setting a performance benchmarking baseline.
More information and details are available through the Level Zero Specification Documentation - Affinity Mask
Single Node Performance
When running PyTorch applications, we have found the following practices to be generally, if not universally, useful and encourage you to try some of these techniques to boost performance of your own applications.
Use Reduced Precision. Reduced Precision is available on Intel Max 1550 and is supported with PyTorch operations. In general, the way to do this is via the PyTorch Automatic Mixed Precision package (AMP), as descibed in the mixed precision documentation. In PyTorch, users generally need to manage casting and loss scaling manually, though context managers and function decorators can provide easy tools to do this.
PyTorch has a
module as well as backends to support op fusion, similar to TensorFlow'stf.function
tools. Please see TorchScript for more information. -
will be available through the next framework release.
Multi-GPU / Multi-Node Scale Up
PyTorch is compatible with scaling up to multiple GPUs per node, and across multiple nodes. Good performance with PyTorch has been seen with both DDP and Horovod. For details, please see the Horovod documentation or the Distributed Data Parallel documentation. Some of the Aurora specific details might be helpful to you:
Environmental Variables
The following environmental variables should be set on the batch submission script (PBSPro script) in the case of attempting to run beyond 16 nodes.
# This is a fix for running over 16 nodes:
export FI_CXI_DEFAULT_CQ_SIZE=131072
export FI_CXI_OVFLOW_BUF_SIZE=8388608
export FI_LOG_LEVEL=warn
#export FI_LOG_PROV=tcp
export FI_LOG_PROV=cxi
# This is to disable certain GPU optimizations like the use of XeLinks between
# GPUs, collectives with GPU-placed data etc., in order to reduce `MPI_Init`
# overheads. Benefits are application dependent.
In order to run an application with TF32
precision type, one must set the
following environmental parameter:
as opposed to the default FP32
, and
done through intel_extension_for_pytorch
CPU Affinity
The CPU affinity should be set manually through mpiexec. You can do this the following way:
export CPU_BIND="verbose,list:2-4:10-12:18-20:26-28:34-36:42-44:54-56:62-64:70-72:78-80:86-88:94-96"
mpiexec ... --cpu-bind=${CPU_BIND}
These bindings should be use along with the following oneCCL and Horovod environment variable settings:
When running 12 ranks per node with these settings the framework
s use 3 cores,
with Horovod tightly coupled with the framework
s using one of the 3 cores, and
oneCCL using a separate core for better performance, eg. with rank 0 the
s would use cores 2,3,4, Horovod would use core 4, and oneCCL would
use core 5.
Each workload may perform better with different settings. The criteria for choosing the cpu bindings are:
- Binding for GPU and NIC affinity – To bind the ranks to cores on the proper socket or NUMA nodes.
- Binding for cache access – This is the part that will change per application and some experimentation is needed.
Important: This setup is a work in progress, and based on observed
performance. The recommended settings are likely to changed with new framework
Distributed Training
Distributed training with PyTorch on Aurora is facilitated through both DDP and
Horovod. DDP training is accelerated using oneAPI Collective Communications
Library Bindings for Pytorch (oneCCL Bindings for Pytorch).
The extension supports FP32 and BF16 data types.
More detailed information and examples are available at the
Intel oneCCL repo, formerly known as
The key steps in performing distributed training using
are the following:
import os
import torch
import intel_extension_for_pytorch as ipex
import torch.distributed as dist
import torch.nn as nn
from torch.nn.parallel import DistributedDataParallel as DDP
import oneccl_bindings_for_pytorch as torch_ccl
# perform the necessary transforms
# set up the training data set
# set up the data loader
# set the master address, ports, world size and ranks through os.environ module
# Initialize the process group for distributed training with oneCCL backend
dist.init_process_group(backend='ccl', ... # arguments)
model = YOUR_MODEL().to(device) # device = 'cpu' or 'xpu:{os.environ['MPI_LOCALRANKID']}'
criterion = torch.nn. ... .to(device) # Choose a loss function
optimizer = torch.optim. ... # Choose an optimizer
# model.train() # Optional, model dependent
# Off-load the model to ipex for additional optimization
model, optimizer = ipex.optimize(model, optimizer=optimizer)
# Initialize DDP with your model for distributed processing
if dist.get_world_size() > 1:
model = DDP(model, device_ids=[device] if (device != 'cpu') else None)
for ...
# perform the training loop
A detailed example of the full procedure with a toy model is given here:
A Simple Job Script
Below we give an example job script:
#!/bin/bash -l
#PBS -l select=512 # selecting 512 Nodes
#PBS -l place=scatter
#PBS -l walltime=1:59:00
#PBS -q EarlyAppAccess # a specific queue
#PBS -A Aurora_deployment # project allocation
#PBS -l filesystems=home # specific filesystem, can be a list separated by :
#PBS -k doe
#PBS -e /home/$USER/path/to/errordir
#PBS -o /home/$USER/path/to/outdir # path to `stdout` or `.OU` files
#PBS -j oe # output and error placed in the `stdout` file
# This block configures the total number of ranks, discovering
# it from PBS variables.
# 12 Ranks per node, if doing rank/tile
# This is a fix for running over 16 nodes:
export FI_CXI_DEFAULT_CQ_SIZE=131072
export FI_CXI_OVFLOW_BUF_SIZE=8388608
# These are workaround for a known Cassini overflow issue
export FI_LOG_LEVEL=warn
#export FI_LOG_PROV=tcp
export FI_LOG_PROV=cxi
# These allow for logging from a specific provider (libfabric)
# APPLICATION Variables that make a performance difference
# Channels last is faster for pytorch, requires code changes!
# More info here:
# FRAMEWORK Variables that make a performance difference
# Toggle tf32 on (or don't):
# End of perf-adjustment section
# Environment set up, using the latest frameworks drop
module use /soft/modulefiles
module load frameworks/2023.12.15.001
# This is to resolve an issue due to a package called "numexpr".
# It sets the variable
# 'numexpr.nthreads' to available number of threads by default, in this case
# to 208. However, the 'NUMEXPR_MAX_THREADS' is also set to 64 as a package
# default. The solution is to either set the 'NUMEXPR_NUM_THREADS' to less than
# or equal to '64' or to increase the 'NUMEXPR_MAX_THREADS' to the available
# number of threads. Both of these variables can be set manually.
# End of environment setup section
export CPU_BIND="verbose,list:2-4:10-12:18-20:26-28:34-36:42-44:54-56:62-64:70-72:78-80:86-88:94-96"
ulimit -c 0
# Launch the script
mpiexec -np ${NRANKS} -ppn ${NRANKS_PER_NODE} \
--cpu-bind ${CPU_BIND} \
python path/to/