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Running Jobs on Sophia

Nodes vs Queue

The Sophia nodes are NVIDIA DGX A100 nodes, and each node contains eight (8) A100 GPUs. The majority of the nodes have the 40 GB A100 models, but two nodes contain the 80 GB A100 models (see below). You may request resources by node (with 8 GPUs) or by individual GPUs based on your job needs. What you will get is determined by the queue you submit to (see Queues section below).


There are three production queues you can target in your qsub command (-q <queue name>):

Queue Name Node/GPU Min Node/GPU Max Time Min Time Max
by-gpu 1 GPU 8 GPUs (valid values are 1, 2, 4, and 8) 5 min 12 hr
by-node 1 Node 8 Nodes 5 min 12 hr
bigmem 1 Node 1 Node 5 min 12 hrs


For all Sophia queues, MaxQueued will be 20 queued or running jobs (per project) and MaxRunning will be 5 concurrent jobs (per project)

The initial queue policy will be simple First-In-First-Out (FIFO) based on priority with EASY backfill. The by-queue and by-gpu queues target non-bigmem nodes. The old single-node queue is now a routing queue (redirect) to the by-node, and the old single-gpu queue is now a routing queue (redirect) to the by-gpu queue.

Queue Descriptions


This is the default production queue1 and is targeted at jobs that can utilize 1-8 GPUs. The number of "chunks" you specify in your qsub (i.e., -l select=4) will be the number of GPUs you are allocated, and they will all be on the same node. Valid values are 1, 2, 4, or 8 in your select statement. These restrictions ensure you get a sane set of resources (RAM is in the same NUMA node as the cores, the GPU has minimal hops to the GPU, etc.). If you specify a different value, your qsub will issue an error and fail.


This queue is targeted at jobs that can utilize more than 8 GPUs. The number of "chunks" you specify in your qsub (i.e., -l select=4) will be the number of Sophia DGX nodes (with 8 GPUs each) you are allocated.


Two of the nodes have 80GB of RAM per GPU, while the other 22 have 40GB of RAM per GPU (640 GB of aggregate GPU memory per node vs. 320 aggregate GPU memory per node). Use this queue to access the 2 nodes with more memory by specifying -q bigmem in your qsub. A max of 1 node (-l select=1) can be requested in this queue.

  1. The default queue is where your job will be submitted if you don't have -q <queue name> in your qsub