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Disk Quota


Disk quotas are enabled on project directories. ALCF's HPC systems use the agile-home file system located at /lus/agile/home, where quotas are also enforced. Details on the home file system are listed in file systems. Below are descriptions and examples for the home file system, as well as the Eagle project filesystems.

Home Directory Quotas

By default, each home directory is assigned a quota of 50 GB. File ownership determines disk space usage.

To check the home directory usage, enter this command:

Name                           Type     Filesystem        Used               Quota          Grace
userX                         User     /lus/agile         44.13G          50.00G             none

Project Directory Quotas

The amount of data stored under /lus/grand/projects/PROJECT_NAME cannot exceed the approved project quota limit set during the allocation period. The total data usage under the project directory is used to calculate the disk quota.

To check project quota usage on the file systems, enter this command:

Lustre : Current Project Quota information for projects you're a member of:

Name                       Type        Filesystem          Used             Quota           Grace
projectX                  Project      eagle                1.87T             1000T            -

Requesting a New Eagle Allocation

To request a new project with an allocation on Eagle (with or without a compute allocation), please fill out the Director's Discretionary allocation form. Note that all new compute projects will have the default file system.

Extending a Quota

If you need to extend an expiring quota for your project directory, please send an email to [email protected] with the project name, filesystem, requested extension length, and reason for the extension.

Quota Increases

If you need a quota increase for your project directory, please send an email to [email protected] with the project name, filesystem, new quota amount, and reason for the increase.