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Getting Started on Crux

Logging Into Crux

To log into Crux:

ssh <username>
Then, type in the password from your CRYPTOCard/MobilePASS+ token. Once logged in, you land on one of the Crux login nodes (crux-login-01, crux-login-02).

Hardware Overview

An overview of the Crux system, including details on the compute node architecture, is available on the Machine Overview page.

Compiling Applications

For all code building and development, please use Crux compute nodes, especially for large parallel builds. Please read through the Compiling and Linking Overview page and corresponding pages depending on the target compiler and programming model.

Accessing Additional Software

ALCF installs additional software in /soft, which can be accessed via module commands by altering your $MODULEPATH:

module use /soft/modulefiles
The available software can then be queried with module avail. In particular, loading the spack-pe-base module provides access to additional software and build tools. For example, cmake is available via the following:

module use /soft/modulefiles
module load spack-pe-base
module load cmake

Submitting and Running Jobs

Please read through the Running Jobs with PBS at the ALCF page for information on using the PBS scheduler and preparing job submission scripts.

For more information on Crux queues and job submission, visit: Running Jobs on Crux.

Lustre File Striping

In addition to the content above, here is a document on Lustre File Striping Basics:


If the node you are on doesn’t have outbound network connectivity, add the following to your ~/.bash_profile file to access the proxy host:

# proxy settings
export HTTP_PROXY=""
export HTTPS_PROXY=""
export http_proxy=""
export https_proxy=""
export ftp_proxy=""

Getting Assistance

Please direct all questions, requests, and feedback to [email protected].
