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Technical Support

For technical user support issues or questions, please direct all questions, requests, and feedback to ALCF Support - [email protected]. Our ALCF Support team is available from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Central Time, Monday - Friday, except on holidays.

Best practices

When contacting support, please follow these recommended guidelines:

  • Review the "Known Issues Pages" listed below, before contacting ALCF Support.
  • Include your ALCF Username, your project shortname, and the system(s) you're having issues on (Polaris, Sophia, Aurora, etc.)
  • Do not respond to closed tickets as your response will NOT re-open the ticket
  • Do not use an existing ticket to ask for assistance on new topics, submit a new ticket by emailing Support.
  • See "Job Failures", "Python Issues", "Installation/compilation issues" sections below for additional details to be included in your ticket

Known Issues Pages

Please be aware of existing Known Issues pages for the following systems:

Job Failures

If you are having issues running your job, or your job is failing, please include the following in your email to [email protected]:

  • All job IDs of the failures
  • Your qsub submission script if you're submitting a batch job, or your full qsub command if you're submitting an interactive job
  • A list of all modules loaded while running your job. Please provide the list via the module list command and NOT a list of your module load <module> commands
  • The *.e (error) and *.o (output) files from at least one of your job failures
  • Any errors displayed on the command line


Support does not have access to your home directory or your project directory. Please do not include directory paths as a means for Support to access your submission script. It must be attached to the ticket.

Python Issues

If you need to open a ticket related to Python, please be sure to include the following in your email to [email protected]:

  • Your qsub submission script
  • Which base conda module and environment you are using
  • The output from module list
  • Whether you have extended the base environment via venv, conda clone, etc.
  • Have you installed any new packages, or removed existing ones? If so, please include your script and commands necessary to recreate the issue
  • Whether you're attempting to run on a login node or a compute node

By including the above information, this will help ALCF Support staff quickly route your ticket to the correct subject-matter expert (SME), resulting in a quicker resolution.


We encourage the use of the pre-installed conda environment. Any custom environments are supported on a best-effort basis only.

Installation & Compiling Issues

If you are having issues installing and/or compiling your app, please include the following in your email to [email protected]:

  • The output from module list
  • If you are on a login node or a compute node
  • A link to the app you are attempting to install (if possible)
  • The full command you're using to compile
  • Any other necessary steps Support will need to recreate the issue