In order to use the proxy, you must configure your local web browser to use a SOCKS proxy. The instructions for other browsers are similar.
Open Firefox settings
Navigate to "General" > "Network Settings" > "Settings" (at the bottom of the General settings page.)
Ensure "Manual proxy configuration" is selected
Fill the "SOCKS Host" field with localhost
Fill the associated port field with 25565 (or the alternate port you specified in your SSH command)
Ensure "SOCKS v5" is selected
Ensure "Proxy DNS when using SOCKS v5" is selected"
Select "OK"
You will not have internet access in Firefox while using the proxy. Select "No proxy" to re-enable internet access.
For ease of use, many users have had success using extensions like FoxyProxy, or using a separate web browser for accessing resources that require the proxied connection.
# this include allows us to reference defaults in anl/ci-resource/defaultsinclude:-project:'anl/ci-resources/defaults'ref:mainfile:-'/runners.yml'variables:ANL_AURORA_SCHEDULER_PARAMETERS:"-AProjectName-lwalltime=0:30:00-qAuroraQueueName"stages:-stage1-stage2shell_test1:stage:stage1extends:.aurora-shell-runnerscript:-echo "Shell Job 1"batch_test:stage:stage2tags:extends:.aurora-batch-runnerscript:-echo "Job 2 start"-echo "Job end"
# this include allows us to reference defaults in anl/ci-resource/defaultsinclude:-project:'anl/ci-resources/defaults'ref:mainfile:-'/runners.yml'variables:ANL_AURORA_SCHEDULER_PARAMETERS:"-AProjectName-lwalltime=0:30:00-qAuroraQueueName"batch_test:extends:.aurora-batch-runnerscript:-echo "Job start"-echo "Job end"
# this include allows us to reference defaults in anl/ci-resource/defaultsinclude:-project:'anl/ci-resources/defaults'ref:mainfile:-'/runners.yml'variables:ANL_AURORA_SCHEDULER_PARAMETERS:"-AProjectName-lwalltime=0:30:00-qAuroraQueueName"stages:-stage1-stage2test1:stage:stage1extends:.aurora-shell-runnerscript:-export-id-hostname-echo "Running on aurora with shell runner"-echo test > test.txttest2:stage:stage2extends:.aurora-batch-runnerscript:-echo "Job 2 start"-echo "Job 2 end"
Example: GitLab job designed to only run on merge requests
# this include allows us to reference defaults in anl/ci-resource/defaultsinclude:-project:'anl/ci-resources/defaults'ref:mainfile:-'/runners.yml'test1:rules:-if:$CI_COMMIT_TAG# Do not execute jobs for tag contextwhen:never-if:$CI_COMMIT_BRANCH == "master"# Do not run on master, since will run on the merge request just priorwhen:never-if:$CI_MERGE_REQUEST_IID# CI_MERGE_REQUEST_IID exists, so run jobstage:stage1extends:.aurora-batch-runnerscript:-echo "Run test 1"
25565 is the proxy port, it may be changed as needed. ↩