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HPE gdb4hpc on Aurora

The gdb4hpc is not a GPU-aware debugger but can be used to debug general code problems at scale. This debugger will apply commands to all threads in the MPI process group.

Attaching to a running job

Determine the jobid of interest:

qstat -u $USER
harms@aurora-uan-0009:~/working/all2all> qstat -u $USER 
                                                            Req'd  Req'd   Elap
Job ID          Username Queue    Jobname    SessID NDS TSK Memory Time  S Time
--------------- -------- -------- ---------- ------ --- --- ------ ----- - -----
127750.aurora-* harms    workq    all2all       --    4   4    --  00:30 R   -- 

Next find a node the job is running on. Choose the first node in the list of vnodes:

qstat -f 127750 | grep exec_vnode

harms@aurora-uan-0009:~/working/all2all> qstat -f 127750 | grep exec_vnode
exec_vnode = (x4305c2s6b0n0:ncpus=1)+(x4305c2s7b0n0:ncpus=1)+(x4305c4s0b0n0

Log in to this node, find your mpiexec process id, and run gdb4hpc:

ssh x4305c2s6b0n0
ps -eaf | grep mpiexec
module load gdb4hpc
CTI_WLM_IMPL=ssh gdb4hpc
Example output
harms@aurora-uan-0009:~/working/all2all> ssh x4305c2s6b0n0
harms@x4305c2s6b0n0:~> ps -eaf | grep mpiexec
harms    108581 108569  0 16:05 ?        00:00:00 mpiexec -l --no-transfer --line-buffer --np 16 -ppn 4 --cpu-bind core ./a2a-p2p
harms    109440 109354  0 16:11 pts/4    00:00:00 grep --color=auto mpiexec
harms@x4305c2s6b0n0:~> module load gdb4hpc
harms@x4305c2s6b0n0:~> CTI_WLM_IMPL=ssh gdb4hpc

gdb4hpc 4.14.7 - Cray Line Mode Parallel Debugger
With Cray Comparative Debugging Technology.
Copyright 2007-2022 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP.
Copyright 1996-2016 University of Queensland. All Rights Reserved.

Type "help" for a list of commands.
Type "help <cmd>" for detailed help about a command.
dbg all>

Now attach to the mpiexec process:

  dbg all> attach $a <pid>
Example output
dbg all> attach $a 108581
0/16 ranks connected... (timeout in 299 seconds)
0/16 ranks connected... (timeout in 298 seconds)
12/16 ranks connected... (timeout in 300 seconds)
16/16 ranks connected.
Created network...
Connected to application...
Current rank location:
a{0}: #0  0x00001472aba12699 in MPIDI_progress_test
... backtrace ...