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To move data to your daos posix container

using CP

cp  /lus/flare/projects/CSC250STDM10_CNDA/kaushik/thundersvm/input_data/real-sim_M100000_K25000_S0.836  /tmp/${DAOS_POOL}/${DAOS_CONT} 

using daos filesystem copy

daos filesystem copy --src /lus/flare/projects/CSC250STDM10_CNDA/kaushik/thundersvm/input_data/real-sim_M100000_K25000_S0.836               --dst daos://tmp/${DAOS_POOL}/${DAOS_CONT}   
You may have to replace the DAOS_POOL and DAOS_CONT label with its UUIDs. UUIDs can be copied from

daos pool query ${DAOS_POOL}
daos container query     $DAOS_POOL_NAME  $DAOS_CONT_NAME 

using mpifileutils distributed CP (DCP)

You can also use other mpifileutils binaraies.

mpifileutils/bin> ls 
dbcast  dbz2  dchmod  dcmp  dcp  dcp1  ddup  dfilemaker1  dfind  dreln  drm  dstripe  dsync  dtar  dwalk
